Monday, March 5, 2012

American Government - Blog # 4 - Bullying in Schools

Block A, E

Please click on the link on the below and read the article

After reading the article, please write a 100 word essay on the following questions. Does bullying in school really exist? Do you think bullying is a problem in school? What are ways to fix this problem?

Due by Friday, March 9, 2012 by 10:00pm


  1. Bullying really does exist in schools. In elementary school, I was bullied by a group of kids who went on my bus. This happened from kindergarten to 2nd grade. They picked on me until my brother stood up to them for me and talked to them. I've also been a witness to bullying when I went to Barbara Goleman back in freshman year. I've noticed that sometimes telling an adult doesn't help the problem because then you get called a snitch and possibly make the bully angrier, but I would still recommend it since it has helped before. But either trying to find common grounds, or getting others to help you with the problem, like how my brother helped me, could help. A bully cannot take you down if you're with your friends. But I don't think fighting the bully will help, just make the matter worse.

  2. Bullying in school does exist. Bullying occurs in many different ways, way people may not even think they are bullying but they really are. Sometimes people may not even know they are bullying. Bullying is a problem in school. Now and days kids do not even speak up about bullying, they try to laugh about it but inside it is really killing them. Students who bully do not know what they are doing to the person they are bullying. You never know if that person is going to go home that same day and kill them selves. Ways to fix bullying are for more people to stand up for others and themselves. Make people understand everyone is different and we should not make fun of people for their special traits.

  3. Bullying in school does exist. Bullying occurs in many different ways, way people may not even think they are bullying but they really are. Sometimes people may not even know they are bullying. Bullying is a problem in school. Now and days kids do not even speak up about bullying, they try to laugh about it but inside it is really killing them. Students who bully do not know what they are doing to the person they are bullying. You never know if that person is going to go home that same day and kill them selves. Ways to fix bullying are for more people to stand up for others and themselves. Make people understand everyone is different and we should not make fun of people for their special traits.

  4. Bullying in school does exist. Those who are doing the bullying are not sure about themselves meaning they are not self confident which leads them in bulling other people. Why, because by them bullying someone they are going to get that feeling that they are powerful and can do whatever they want. In reality they are the one's who are scared that someone would bully them so they want to be the first to do it. Bullying in school definitely a problem. Bullying in school can make a students academics suffer as they may avoid attending school or their ability to learn in school as well. Bullying will lead to sadness,lowered self-esteem, and feelings of
    insecurity, and even causing them to experience suicidal. It can be fixed by talking to someone they trust, such as a guidance counselor, teacher, sibling, or friend. They may offer some helpful suggestions, and even if they can't fix the situation, it may help them feel a little less alone.

  5. I do think bullying really do exist. Anyone who doesn’t think bullying exist is in major denial of the truth. I do think bullying is a problem in school because it a place where u try to fit in. When someone is so different from what is popular or cool people get bullied for it. Also there’s a lot of peer pressure and not everyone is strong minded to go against the flow. Plus just malicious jerks out there who thrive on making other people lives hell. Speak up against bullying, parents teach their kids to about self-confidence and self-pride, and finally kids just need to stand up for their selves.

  6. Bullying does exist in schools. It is definitely a problem in school. It has always been a problem in school, that is nothing new. Bullying these days has become very cruel. Some kids take it way too far. It has even led some kids to take their own lives. Bullies do that to others to feel powerful and feel like they are in control. They're probably insecure themselves. Those being bullied are affected in many ways. It doesn't only just affect them in school. It affects their lives as a whole, meaning even at home with their families. There are plenty of ways to fix this problem. There is not one specific way to fix it because every kid is different. They can talk to a counselor or someone they trust. I don't think they should go to someone that would try to intervene by getting the other kid in trouble because it will probably make it worse for the kid getting bullied for being a snitch. That is the worst thing you can do in some cases. Another way of fixing it is getting yourself out of the situation as in leaving the school. You can start fresh and gain confidence to stand up for yourself. It shouldn't be that way, but sadly it is.

  7. Bullying is a real issue that our country seems to neglect as a figment of our imagination. Bullying has become an important issue that students face as they are picked on by individuals who feel that they can take advantage of them just because. Students who are not mentally strong or feel as if they cannot do anything to end the problem often resort to suicide. Ways to fix this issue include getting parents more involved in their child's life by recognizing the evident signs that show as a help signal. Another way to fix this problem is to get school officials involved to enforce a zero-tolerance for bullying policy that protects victims.

  8. Bullying in school does exist and its a topic that needs to be addressed because its starting to happen everywhere with a lot of kids. Many kids get bullied in school but we dont hear about it or address it until some gets physically hurt. This is a huge problem that needs to be given more attention to. We all need to step up together and fix this problem because its really sad to lose a child to bullying. It must be hard to know you send your child to school to get an education and a safe place to be but then realize that, the place you send then to is the place responsible for his or her unhappiness and in some cases his or her death. The person that it really affects the most and downs on is the child getting bullied. It's a very hard and emotional thing to know that your getting bullied and picked on and can't do anything about it. Sooner or later it gets to much for anyone to handle which leads to violence by the victim. I believe bullying starts of with people ranking/picking on each other and then its taken to far by one person and turns into picking on just that one person, until its to much and becomes a routine. Another situation is when someone acts different and people pick on them because it funny and I believe thats mean and should not be done or accepted. I have never been bullied and I have never bullied anyone in my life, I'm against it and I try to stop It when I see people talking bad about someone. I believe we should put a stop to this and we could do this by getting more involved in the child's life and watch out for signs. The guidance counselors at school should do a better job an make sure bulling is not going on in school. Also make sure you raise your child right at home so they know what's right from wrong and to know that bulling is bad and should not be done. Get more people aware of bulling and what affects it have on people. We should work together and get this done.

  9. Yes, Bullying in school really exists. Yes, I believe bullying is a problem in school in this day and age. Almost everyday on the news, you hear a new story about bullying. sometimes when kids are bullied, they don't know how to handle the situation. the bully's them self think they can take advantage of people because they may lack self-confidence or might be going through something other wise. Ways to fix this problem is for kids to open up more with someone close to them who will comfort them and hopefully help them stand up for them self.

  10. Melissa Perrotti

    Yes, bullying does exist in school. I think it is a major issue beacuse everyday there is something new about bullying in schools. A lot of bullying occurs mostly in high school, teeneagers now a days make fun of people, puts others around them down which can cause a lot of depression and damage. Kids all around the world commit suicide, cuts themselves, or even kill people especially the one's who bullied them. There are a lot of ways bullying can be fixed. One way to fix this bullying situation is to have all the kids realize that everybody is different in their own way. They should take time out of their lives and try getting to know one another rather than make fun of them or make them feel stupid. People shouldn't judge anyone without getting to know the person.

  11. raphael vazquez

    Bullying will always be around as long as theirs the cool kids and the nerds. What you have to do is be a man and beat his a** or atleast stand up to him. And if that just go to someone and find help. i mean if you do something dumb and people make fun of you for it then live with it don't come back and shoot everyone. Their is no way to fix bullying like their is no way to stop drugs or rising gas prices, just got to learn how to adapt and grow a pair and fight for your believe.

    1. Harris Williams

      Bullying in school stills exists. Once you get to high school you will get bullied picked on and be tortured as like you used to do in elementary school. Once you step on a high school campus you are there forever unless something else happens. Bullying is a problem in school for example: if someone takes you money from you your are never getting it back its like taking candy from a little kid. The ways to fix this problem is to not bully anybody you dont know and go to the teacher and tell them what happen or go to an administrator but thats what i think that will happen if someone gets bullied at school.

  12. Aliyah Coleman
    E Block

    To me, bullying in school has always existed. In the U.S. on a regular school day, nine out of ten children are involved in bullying incident, eight out of ten of them are bystanders and witnesses, and usually one out of ten are being bullied. Nowadays bullying isn’t just giving someone a “wedgie” or a “swirly”, some types of bullying are verbal, physical and intimidation with weapons. I think bullying in school is a big problem in school. People come to school for education, not to get picked on daily. It could ruin their future and completely mess up their life. We need to focus more on bullying in schools and build more support groups for people who feel like they are getting bullied. People need to learn that bullying is a serious problem that this nation needs to fix.

  13. Charlene Villalba
    E Block

    Bullying still exists and will always exist for as long as there is this un equal level or popularity. In other words bullying consists of verbal abuse or even physical also, it also consist of cliques.It is build up of different groups of teens in highschool and with in those groups (mostly the popular teens) there is going to be several members of that group that are going to bully the "unpopular/not cool" groups.I think that bullying in evitable, people are going to critize each other regardless. It is wrong because you are hurting that persons self esteem causing them to develop depression, low self esteem, and other issues. Students are well aware that schools offer guidance counselors but not everyone wants to go and tell there problems to a stranger. The way to solve bullying is that if you see someone getting bullied stick up for them and help stop it .

  14. Erick Cepero

    Well bullying still exists now these days in now more schools and not just only one school. But its like for example barbra golemen which is the worst school ever because wheni ever i see that school i always see students fighting and getting into each others faces, and that ain't right all. I think what the principle or deans should do is exspell the students from school and so like that the student will be happy again and plus the school will be peace full with out having students getting into fights. In school they should be no fights at all and thnking that with the way how they dress is cruel and not even right at all. when it comes to kids in middle school and high school there will be bullying and fights that student can get into for no reason.

  15. I believe that bullying exist in schools. I know this for a fact because someone very close to me got bullied everyday in school. The parents were not aware because the kid was so scared to be called names by others that he kepted it quiet. He was forced to fight with his friends if not get beaten by the bully. Unfortunately, some of the school policies are not so define when it comes to this subject. I think schools should get a lot stricter in this matter. The penalties for bullying should be higher. Kids that are caught bullying should be punished and then be supervised on a continous basis. Let's be serious a bully will always be a bully. I also believe that parents should be called in and informed when a child mistreats another. This is far more serious then people believe it is. Like everything else when the problem of bullying hits home then people will pay attention to this serious problem.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Allyson Arias
    Yes, i do believe bullying in school really exists. I believe bullying exists because those who bully have insecurities about them selves in their lives. Also i believe bullies have problems with their parents or house holds. Those who are doing the bullying are not sure about themselves meaning they are not self confident which leads them in bulling other people.A lot of bullying occurs mostly in high school, teeneagers now a days make fun of people, puts others around them down which can cause a lot of depression and damage.This is my view on bullying.

  18. Nataly Bello
    I feel what the writer said was very offensive and I can see why everyone was upset. Though I feel he should not have been fired for it. According to the first amendment we have freedom of speech and the writer of this article said beforehand that his writings can be offensive a lot of the time. Yes Jeremy Lin does his job and plays well apart of the New York Knicks team though I feel the writer did not mean “Chinck in the armor” to be offensive to him or the Asian community. We all have freedom of speech and the writer should not have been fired especially after he apologized for saying that derogatory remark. As well as the anchor that was suspended for 30 days. I feel as if the punishments towards these actions were a little to harsh.

  19. It definitely exists and more than people know. Everyone has been bullied in school at least once in their lives. I personally have been bullied when I was younger (Nothing serious thank God.). Bullying is a problem in school. People don’t see it often but it happens constantly. Most popular type of bullying is cyber bullying. With all these social networks now and emailing and texting it makes cyber bullying very easy. Any ways to fix this problem? I don’t know. People can always come up with new ways to bully other people. Bullies will always find a way to bully.

  20. Samantha Caraballo
    Yes, bullying really does exist. Most of school bullying begins on the internet, on websites such as Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and any other social networks. Most bullying starts of kids’ social pages where the public has access to their pictures and are able to criticize them on the way they look. I do believe bullying in school is a problem. Most kids who are bullied tend to do badly in their school work; it may even cause them to develop mental issues. I’m not really sure how this problem can be fixed. I guess getting stricter with the penalties of bullying may stop it.

  21. Yes I believe that bullying does exist and it must come to an end. There is no need for anyone to be bullied. God created everyone equal and everyone should be at peace. You can either be cyber bullied or physically bullied. It's obviously not healthy for anyone to be bullied. Some kids are scared to admit that they are being bullied which doesn't give them the right to say who and what the bully is doing to them. Bullying really needs to stop because NO ONE deserves to be bullied. The parents, teachers, and even government must get involved with serious consequences of the people who bully in any way.

    Blesslyn Mercado <3

  22. Of course bullying exist. Bullying is a everyday thing for some students. I see bullying in front of my eyes but yet some people just don't know when to stop. Most of the bullying starts off on websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instragum,etc. There was times when i got bullied through the internet it wasn't that serious because i don't let stupid people bring me down or there comments. People don't realize that bullying is serious because a lot of kids commit suicide and that's not right. Sometime people just take bullying to far and someone needs to put a stop to this. It does also affect the person school work because sometimes their scared to come to school and they hide. Honestly i don't think there's a way to stop it but i really wish someone would stop this because its to much.

  23. Ashley Nelson
    A Block
    I think that bullying does exist on schools. Innocent children are killing their selves because of it . I think that bullying exist everywhere we go. On twitter, Facebook, and even at work. I think that is a reoccurring thing and we need to put a stop to it. Bullying is a serious thing and I think it's time for the government to get involved to help stop it. I think kids doesn't tell anyone about because they are scared. They are scared that it may become worse han it already is. I think it's time to make a stand to end bullying today and keep our children from commiting suicide.

  24. Personally I think bullying is one of the biggest problems in school. Especially in high school. Bullying is a way how kids get a kick out of school or how they have fun. Bullying obviously exists in all schools and it really is a big problem. The people you least expect might be a bully and sometimes bullying leads to kids commuting suicide or doing stupid things like schools shootings, etc. I've learned to ignore bullies because they're just low life's who have nothing better to do and probably have no friends and have a bad life so they take it on other innocent people. A great way to fix this is sit the bully and victim down with a guidance counceler and have the victim tell the bully how he/she feels and probably have that bully bullied too.

  25. Elisa Penton


    Bullying is a serious problem. In school some kids bully others and make them scared of even coming to school. Bullying is a serious issue because bullying and making fun of someone can lead to other things like physical abuse and maybe even killing. There is nothing you can really do about when people bully other kids but to threaten them in school with demerits and contracts or even being kicked out. When a bully gets in trouble or gets kicked out that just makes them more angry at the kid and that is when people might really get hurt or threatened.
