Thursday, August 11, 2011

TODAY IN HISTORY # 1: AUGUST 23 The Hitler-Stalin Pact

Block E,F,G - Due August 25 by 6pm

Please read the article above and respond by writing a 100-word opinion on the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Why do think Hitler wanted Russia to sign a non-agression agreement? Who did the pact help? Please respond by August 25, 2011 by 6pm.


  1. By perceiving the article “The Hitler-Stalin pact” my conceptions towards the treatise were both negative and positive. A pact was indicated in 1939 as Hitler was preparing for war his contemplate was mainly to not make the same blunder as done in War World I which lead to the pact agreeing that the Germans and Soviet Union would not attack each other if a problem was presented they would figure out a solution righteously the agreement was stated to last about ten year and was conclusive in less than three. One speculation on why I envisage a positive opinion is because after World War I Germans and Soviet Union were capable of arranging a concession, which shows a development towards them. My disagreement towards the pact overall is that if something was said and done, why break it? Why back down from your declaration? With that being said Soviet Union trusted the pact and got an unforeseen relinquish from the Germans.

  2. In reading this article "The Hitler-Stalin pact" In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact, stunning the world, given their diametrically opposed ideologies. my opinion is that hitler wanted Russia to sign a non-agression agreement because he wanted to take credit for himself. he thought he couldn't be beat and they couldn't beat him alone. By looking up research in my opinion I think the pact helped Germany because the Soviets did not join the fight against Germany, thus Germany was successful it its attempt to safeguard itself from a two-front war...

    Danielle Henderson F-Block .

  3. Hitler wanted Russia to sign the pact so he can slowly but surely rule the world but he was doing one country at a time. Hitler wanted to basically do the same exact thing he already was doing to the previous country he was dictating, separating and killing the people he did not like. The pact was a cover-up on what he was doing, to make it seem like he was the “good” guy. The pact was something like parasitism, where Hitler would benefit and succeed his “goals” and the country would suffer. Hitler was the only one benefiting from this pact. He was basically using reverse psychology to get what he intentionally wanted.

  4. In my opinion, Hitler wanted Stalin to sign the non-aggression agreement so he would appear more of a threat to the allies and he didn’t have to worry about Russia invading his country or being his enemy. The pact definitely helped Hitler because in the end it bought him time the time he needed to build his army and to plan his invasion strategy so he could invaded Poland successfully. When Hitler invaded Poland, he was almost unstoppable and Russia couldn’t do anything about it which was what Hitler wanted. Also after invading Poland Hitler gained more power so he could carry out his Nazi plans.

  5. After analyzing “The Hitler-Stalin Pact” article I conclude that Hitler wanted Russia to sign a non-aggression agreement because Hitler wanted to be sure that he will not have Russia as his enemy. Also, he wanted people to believe he was doing something good to help others but in reality, he was doing everything to his convenience. Supposably this pact was going to help people agreeing that the two countries Germany and the Soviet Union would not attack each other. If there were ever a problem between the two countries, it was going to be handled in a diplomatic way. Essential Hitler didn’t want the Soviet Union to be an ally of the British forces because, the Soviet Union was a powerful nation, if it would join forces with Britain that will difficult his world domination plan to succeed. This pact was supposed to last for ten years, but it lasted for less than two because of the invasion of Poland.

    -Claudia Gomez E Block

  6. Hitler being the corrupted and power craving man that he was, looked for opportunities to make himself stronger. He had his dream on dominating countries one by one. In this case he had his eye on Poland. He knew the only way he could of claimed Poland was to have his strongest competitor by his side which was The Soviet Union. He knew by making the non-aggresive agreement he could not only gain control of Poland but he no longer had to deal with the Soviet Union or Britain, since in his eyes he had control of them now as well and were no longer a threat. Many helping him out in the end.

  7. This article is very interesting and has many twists to it. Prime minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, played a good role in history. When Hitler was taking over Sudetenland, Neville didn't seem to care. When Hitler got involved with Poland he sprung into action and immediately tried to do something. Chamberlain made it a statement that Britain had to help out with protecting Poland. He also knew that he could not stop Hitler on his own and that he needed some extra help. The only group he could think of that would be strong enough and that would be willing to help would be the Soviet Union. Britain and the Soviet Union do not get along to begin with but they were willing to put aside their differences and become a team. Hitler realized what was going on so he starting sweet talking the Soviet Union and got them to be on his side and ruined Britain’s plans. Both parties were becoming suspicious at this point and Hilter knew he had to hurry with the domination of Poland before the west could fight back. The Soviet Union and Germany agreed to pick up parts of Eastern Europe and leave each other alone. Hitler’s foreign minister, Joachim on Ribbentrop, signed the non-aggressive pact. To this day people were surprised that Stalin would ever agree to such a horrific dictator. Hitler wanted Russia to sign the non-aggressive pact so Russia would not get in his way of termination. I personally do not think the pact was to any ones advantage except Hitler.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. (E Block)
    From reading this article ,"The Hitler-Stalin Pact" I understand this pact to be about Hitler trying to gain more control and dismantling any chances of enemies becoming any stronger. He did this by making a non-aggression agreement with the Soviet Union which shocked many because they had very different ideologies but he merely did this for his own gain. By creating this pact he was securing that Britain wouldn’t attack Germany because they would need a strong power like Russia. Also, by agreeing to this pact he had the chance to attack Poland. Obviously, these allies didn’t last long after Hitler was able to gain Poland.

  10. (E Block)
    Russia was the biggest and most powerful country in Europe. And for somebody like Hitler who was looking into eventually conquering all of Europe it is essential to have Russia on your side. If he invaded Poland without Russia as an ally Hitler would be fighting another two front war. The two front war during World War 1 is what caused German forces to weaken and thus resulting in them loosing the war. Hitler was determined to no make the same mistake again. With the Soviet's agreeing to not come to Poland's aide if they were to be attacked, also Russia agreed to not enter the war if Britain and France were to attack,thus opening the second front for Germany,this would guarantee Hitler that Poland was his. This pact was originally intended to benefit the two countries that signed the pact, Russia and Germany. Both countries would acquire extra territory in both the Eastern and Western front. So the pact for a time did benefit both countries until Germany launched a surprise attack on Russia and the pact was broken.

  11. My point of view towards this article about “Hitler-Stalin pact” 1939 is that Hitler wanted to be viewed as a man no one can out smart or beat, and that lead to the decision of having Russia sign the non-agression agreement. I am leaning towards the positive outcome to this agreement because it helped Germany in many ways for example the Soviet Union did not join the conflict against Germany , because they were smart enough to protect themselves and withdraw themselves from a two front war. While that was going on Hitler was sitting back enjoying his own plot to gain power and a army to invade Poland and have Russia on the side lines watching/thinking to themselves “what can we do?” .Which was exactly what Hitler wanted. He was spiteful especially when it came to his Nazi plans.
    -Katelyn Estrada F block

  12. (E Block)
    The Hitler-Stalin Pact otherwise known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact is a perfect example of how dictators seize control of countries through unfair deals like this one. The two dictators' ultimate goals were to eventually conquer the world. Yes, the Soviet Union had that goal in mind too as we would later see when WW2 ended and the cold war started. But in order for that to happen they needed to control the most powerful countries on earth, meaning the west(First all of Europe, then the United States)Fortunately, both dictators failed. Sadly however, Stalin did manage to consolidate communism in Eastern Europe which later became the Eastern Bloc in the cold war. So in my opinion, this pact was to both of the dictators' advantage, in order to ensure world domination.

  13. The Non-aggression agreement is what divided states of Europe into German and Soviet. In my opinion, Hitler wanted Russia to sign a non-aggression agreement because he wanted all the power. He wanted all of his enemies to be weaker than him so he can have control over everything. With this pact, Hitler would be able to commit all of his forces to deal with the Western Fronts: Poland, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain. Hitler was all about having connections. He was a smart man who knew what he wanted, which one of them was Poland so he got closer with the Soviet Union, which was connected to Poland. This pact helped Hitler because he got what he wanted without any trouble.
    -Jalenni Cruz (E Block)

  14. After reading "The Hitler-Stalin Pact" I think Hitler wanted the Soviet Union to sign a non-aggression agreement on August 23, 1939 because he thought it would work out to his advantage in the long run for his German expansion. This was all a tactic for Hitler to throw other countries off. Little did he know that Britain was plotting against him and this would make everything so much harder for him. I think that the pact had ended up helping Hitler more because the pact was only signed on his part to make him seem like if he wouldn't want to take over Russia.
    Kelly Claro (F Block)

  15. E Block
    Hitler wanted all the land in Eastern Europe. Hitler believed they could farm it well while East Europeans could not. Also many Jews lived in Russia and Hitler wanted them exterminated. Hitler want Russia to sign the non-aggression treat to simply buy time to get their armies into shape before they attacked each other. Hitler planned to stabilize his grounds before going east. He made Russia sign this pact because he didn’t want what happened in the previous World War to repeat itself where he fought a two front war which weakened their offensive armies. During the first few years of the war, this agreement helped Germany avoid the British blockade.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. (Karina Llerena E Block) From my perspective, Hitler wanted Russia to sign a non- aggression agreement because he didn’t want to be more of a threat to the Allies and so he didn’t have to worry about the Russians being his enemy or invading his country. With this pact Hitler would be able to help his force to deal with the Western Fronts. This Pact helped Hitler without any trouble. He was an intelligent man and he knew what he had wanted which was for Poland to get closer to the Soviet Union, which was mainly connected to Poland.

  18. (Almudena Bores G Block)

    In my opinion of what I have read about The Hitler-Stalin Pact, (Ribbentrop.Molotov Pact) it was litteraly a non-aggression pact, that was imposible to live him into good fullfilment because both of them had a secret agency in their own real intensions, just because they were of opposed ideologies.
    For me, I think that almost all the non-aggression pact between two powerfull nations are just a way of mutual manipulation just because each of them want to win the game power that they are fighting for in their maind and also in their hearts.

  19. After reading the "Hitler-Stalin Pact" I think this was only an advantage to Hitler. He wanted to take over Poland and he wanted to do it quick. But in order to do that he had to go threw Britain as well. He knew that Britain was well aware of what was going on and that Britain was in need of an ally which was the Soviet Union. So Hitler swallowed his pride and persuasively talked to the Soviet dictator, who was connected with Poland, which in doing so would ruin all of Britain's determination. When Hitlers foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, signed the pact it basically said that Hitler would not have to worry about any wars with other countries. Hitler then took over Poland. This is why we know him as a horrible dictator.

  20. After reading this article on the non-aggression act, I can already notice that Hitler might have been a little insecure. I believe his plan was to befriend Russia in order to be successful with his reign. Hitler wanted peace with Russia because Russia had the power to destroy Hitler and his forces if they became allies with the United States. So Hitler feared the Soviet Union, because of this. If Russia became allies with the USA that was a threat to Hitler and his forces and he was determined to not let that happen. Just like the saying: “Keep your friends closer, and your enemies even closer!”

    Jesenia Gonzalez (G BLOCK)

  21. (Gabriel Gonzalez, E-Block)
    After reading and thinking about it, I believe that Germany and Russia formed the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in order to stop Britain from attacking Germany because Germany wanted to capture Poland, who Britain was willing to protect. Hitler wanted to take over Poland, but he knew that Britain would help them out, so he made a quick treaty with Russia, because they also wanted to take over all of Europe. They needed to form the pact quick before the western countries could form a united front. Hitler only teamed up with Russia because he needed an ally to support him. Russia also wanted to take over Europe, so the treaty between Germany and Russia didn’t last long after Germany took over Poland.

  22. In this article of the "Hitler-Stalin Pact" Hitler wanted to take over Europe, in this case, specifically Poland, but he knew he couldnt stand to Britain and its allies alone. Also he didn't want Britain and the Soviet Union joining together, so he got to the Soviet's first and asked for a non-agression pact, so that they couldnt attack him. In my opinion, this pact helped Germany because it made it harder for the Allies, to defeat Germany in the war, because they had a "gaurdian" protecting them.

  23. (Stephanie Onuigbo E:BLOCK) Hitler wanted Russia to sign a non-aggression agreement, because Hitler himself had much to gain from the alliance. At first Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin, did not really care whether or not Hitler decided to capture Sudetenland. Britain at this time was deciding to what extent they would step in and help should Hitler and Germany continue their growth. However, the minute Poland became threatened was when the prime minister took action. He decided that Britain would come to the Poland’s aid, should they be threatened by the German invasion. Later on, Britain decided that they would need an ally, and the only nation strong enough to stop Hitler was the Soviet Union. However, Britain’s and Russia’s relationship was strained after their effort to create a previous alliance with Britain was rebuffed only a year earlier. Also, Poland was not exactly thrilled with having Russia become one of its protectors. Hitler used this time of confusion to steal Russia away from Britain, and make Russia his own ally instead. This agreement just pulled Britain’s plan from under them, because they couldn’t face Germany alone, let alone with the Soviet Union behind them. With this alliance, Hitler was able to invade Poland before the West (Britain) was able to take action in defending Poland creating a front. So the agreement, which included leaving each other alone and carving up parts of Eastern Europe, was signed and Germany conquered Poland. I feel that this pact mainly supported Germany. With this pact, Germany got what they wanted, Poland, and was able to prevent a super-power from utilizing. However I also feel that this pact benefited Russia as well. By agreeing to the pact, not only did they get parts of Europe, but they got Germany to leave them alone for awhile and become a stayed a force to be reckoned with. It mostly benefited Germany, ultimately.

  24. In my opinion of the hitler-stalin pact, was basically hitler making a wise decision of staying safe, and moving fast. he wanted to conquer poland, but he knew if he would go through with the invasion, he would have to fight the soviet union(a major power), and hitler was in a hurry so,he knew that if he was going to invade poland he had to do it fast so the west wouldnt hear about it and act on it by making alliesand invading germany as a group instead of as one. so he went to the soviet union to make a non-aggression pact,(hitler-stalin pact). the pact helped hitler, because he took the threat of being invaded by the soviet union out, and made them allies.
    kyle fleming (E-block)

  25. E Block
    After reading this article, my opinion on the Hitler-Stalin Pact was a very wise move from Hitler’s part. Hitler knew that if he would engage Poland in war that the British force along with America and the Soviet Union would intervene and aid Britain in protecting and assisting Poland due to their alliance. Hitler must have known that if he were to face them he would ultimately lose. Although he had the help of Japan and Italy as so he thought because of their Triple Alliance, but Japan stated they were not ready to go head to head with the American and British Navy. Hitler then wanted Russia to sign the non-aggression agreement because it would help him be able to conquer Poland and Western Europe. He stated that it would help them secure territory of The Baltic States/Eastern Europe. This pact helped only Hitler and Stalin. Everyone was shocked and could not believe this pact for these two were enemies. The way this helped Germany and the Soviet Union was as Germany controlled and occupied Western Europe the Russia would claim their part of the agreement, The Baltic States/Eastern Europe.

  26. G Block
    My opinion about this article is that the only power large enough to stop Hitler was the Soviet Union. Hitler believed that Britain would never take him on alone, so he decided to swallow his fear and cozy up to the Soviet dictator. Hitler knew if he was to invade Poland, it had to be done quickly, before anything stops him. Hitler's foreign minister signed the non-agression pact with his Soviet counterpart. I think Hitler wanted Russia to sign the non-agression agreement because he wanted to attack Russia, since Russia is very weak. Stalin knew Hitler was lying but he did not trust the British either -he said he will never go to war with Hitler. I also think Germany got the most help from the pact, since they left alone so they can become a stronger country.

  27. (Mark Gomez, G Block)

    In my opinion, the Hitler-Stalin Pact changed the world when a major dictator, Hitler, tried to conquer Poland. He was smart about it when he was going straight into the conquering and going in and out quickly so that he won't get caught doing so. Hitler began getting scared and turned to the Soviet dictator for help. Both sides were suspicious of each other forcing Hitler to move quickly in the invading of Poland. I thought that he played it smart when he wanted to do everything before the West found out and would be able to do anything to him. I think that for what Hitler was trying to accomplish, he did the smartest thing possible, get in and get out, although it didn't really work out for him. That is my opinion on the Hitler-Stalin Pact.

  28. In my opinion Hitler was a guy that was obsessed with power and had a corrupted mind. He wanted Russia to sign a non-aggression agreement because he wanted to fight a one sided war with Poland and not have to worry about Stalin invading his country. He wanted to prove to people that he could be trusted and that he was doing the right thing It also helped him gain power and allies. He wanted everyone to know who had the power and who was in control. The pact obviously helped Hitler more than anyone because once Hitler invaded and took over Poland he had more power and he had more people to fight in the war.

  29. (F BLOCK)
    The Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact, signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop, completely surprised all of Europe considering their completely opposed ideologies. This pact changed the face of the political scene. Why then was this treaty signed? the terms worked in favor to Hitler, his plan was to become ally with the only country that can stop him. First established that neither would in any way inflict any act of violence on the other, either individually or as part of an alliance. Also, neither would support the actions of a third power against the other country, nor participate in an alliance that is aimed at attacking the other. Finally, it was agreed that this pact would last for ten years. Stalin agreed to provide substantial amounts of oil to Hitler from the Baku oil fields. Hitler certainly gained form this treaty. Stalin benefited too, as evidenced by his occupation of parts of Poland along with Germany.

  30. E-Block
    My opinion of the Hitler-Stalin pact is it was a way they each side would be able to use the pact for their benefit. The Soviets most likely saw how Germany was taking over multiple countries, and decided to make the pact to protect themselves. Hitler saw this as an opportunity to keep himself safe from Soviet power, since they were the only threat Germany had during the time. The contract would keep the Soviets from joining any other countries, particularly Britain, in an effort to stop Germany. And as soon as the agreement served Hitler's purposes, he broke the treaty and invaded the Soviet Union. So this pact was more of a benefit to Germany(Hitler) than Stalin.

  31. To my understanding, the “Hitler-Stalin Pact” was a non-aggression agreement under which the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany each pledged to remain neutral in the event that either nation were attacked by a third party. If there were ever a problem between the two countries, it was to be handled amicably. The pact was supposed to last for ten years; it lasted for less than two. One of the main reasons for the failure of the pact was dishonesty. Neither countries fully trusted each other; they each had their own hidden agendas. The Soviets saw this as an opportunity to annex the Baltic States, while Hitler moved into Poland without provoking Soviet resistance. In the end, both countries benefited from the pact. The Soviets acquired the Baltic States, which would later be useful in avoiding an invasion from the West. Germany was able to safeguard itself from a two-front war because the Soviets couldn’t join the fight against them. However, it is safe to assume that both parties knew that conflict was eminent, and Hitler eventually invaded the Soviet Union.

    Tierra Forbes E Block(:

  32. I believe that Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact in 1939 for the simple reason that neither of the two countries wanted to have problems with each other. Both Germany and Russia were two highly powerful countries in which at any moment one could overtake the other. In signing this agreement both Germany and Russia had the advantage of having one less country to deal with, despite their differences in there ideologies. Yet they both still had their own political needs in mind. The pact helped Germany have an alley when the time came for Hitler to invade Poland. He knew that Britain would be obligated to aid Poland during the invasion so he needed a country that he knew wasn’t going to attempt to stop his illusion of Germany’s expansion.

  33. (F Block)

    I think Hitler wanted to sign a non-aggression agreement with Russia because he thought that if he invaded Poland, Britain would come give them aid, though he didn't like communism and was  really scared, he was in a hurry and had no choice. So he knew that he needed somebody to help them as a backup so nobody could intervene and that he must do it as fast as possible. The pact helped Hitler because he now had the chance to invade Poland before the West could create a unified front. Though after Germany occupied Poland, the alliance they made didn't last long. 

  34. After reading the article, “The Hitler Stalin Pact”, I believe Hitler wanted Russia to sign a non-aggression agreement that way he wouldn't appear as the enemy and is on Russia’s good side. He became friendly with Soviet dictator because if he got the Soviet Union to sign this agreement then he would be successful in invading Poland and the Soviet Union would not be able to interfere his invasion. This pact helped Hitler the most because in signing this pact not only made him and his new army stronger but now he was unstoppable and what he had planned was successful. This pact was signed in 1939 leaving the world in shock. Even though the alliance wouldn’t last long after Poland became a German-occupied territory Hitler was still a happy man knowing what he had planned went exactly the way he wanted.

    Janessa Suarez (E Block)

  35. (F BLOCK)
    In my opinion, Hitler wanted to sign the non-aggression agreement with Russia, because he was aware that Russia was a dominant country. He knew Russia had enough power to destroy Hitler and his army. This definitely helped Hitler to his advantage for his Germany expansion. If Hitler wanted to overpower Poland, he needed Russia as his ally. With this, Hitler made sure he had Russia by his side and was clever enough to make his way so that Russia signed the agreement on August 23, 1939 in Moscow. Nonetheless, both sides were skeptical about keeping the pact true and the mistrust led both Germany and Russia for the non-aggression agreement not to last long.

  36. (G Block)
    After reading the Hitler-Salitin Pact I believe that Hitler had signed the pact with the Soviet Union (Russia) to make sure if that Brittan had gone up against him with their allies, they would have not defeat him. Hitler had signed the non-aggression pact with the Soviet so if they wanted to they could not attack and defeat him, and by signing this pact Hitler had to swallow all his pride. I think the pact benefited Hitler the most because after signing the pact and invading Poland with the help of Soviet Union there alliance did not stay.

  37. (E-block)
    As the information shows, Hitler was at a weak point and the only way he was going to conquer Poland was if he basically rush attacked them before Britain could come together and make an army. Russia or the Soviet Union was the neutral one at this time, and whoever wanted the upper hand in this war needed their support. Before Britain had their chance Hitler made the initiative to sign a non-aggression pact. My opinion is that, Hitler, though wasn't a good man, was pretty clever on his part, and this was the reason he made it so far in WWII.

  38. The Hitler-Stalin pact surprised not only the Germans and the Russians, but the rest of the world. Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, despite their different ideals. Britain, wanting to stop the Germans for spreading and taking over Poland, needed the Soviet Union for help because they were the only country that would help fight the Germans. But because Hitler was untouchable by them, he felt no one else would take on the Germans alone. With the Hitler-Stalin pact Hitler successfully paralyzed the British and took over Poland before the West was able to become unified. It was a risky move because both countries were always watching each other but Hitler was determined on his plan and carried it out.

  39. Adolf Hitler. The name is known world-wide. Many look at Hitler as a monster and the definition of pure evil while others look up to him as a hero; regardless of one’s opinion it is hard to disagree with the fact that Adolf Hitler was an incredibly intelligent man.
    Hitler signed the “Hitler-Stalin Pact” for the same reason he demonstrated the rest of his actions: to benefit himself. Hitler could care less about Stalin and the Russians. He just was looking out for his own benefit in eliminating the biggest threat to his Nazi Germany, the Russians. One can argue that the pact somewhat helped Russia but most will agree that it mostly helped Hitler.

  40. (E-Block)
    As the article states, this non-aggression pact was one that was definitely not expected, due to their different ideas on ruling a country. Hitler detested communism, but he had to swallow a bit of his pride to ally himself with them. Hitler needed an ally, and thought that by allying himself with the biggest and most threatening nation around, he would be guaranteed victory in the invasion of poland. And it worked for him, as he was able to successfully invade Poland due to this pact. Many were shocked at this agreement and thought that it wouldn't work, due to the fact that both sides didn't seem to trust each other at all, and it seems that they were correct in that assumption, as they did not last long afterwards.

  41. By Jessica Mulet:

    Everyone was very shocked and surprised that both Hitler and Stalin made this pact. Both of these individuals had complete opposite perspectives on how to rule their country. These two men had their own interests in mind. They agreed to this for themselves, not to help one another. It was in Hitler's and Stalin's favor to sign this non-aggression pact. I believe that Hitler benefitted from this the most. Hitler needed and ally. In my opininon, the non-aggression pact helped Adolf Hitler the most because it made it easier for him to overpower Poland in the future.

  42. I think that the non-agression pact was made because Hitler wanted to work with the Soviet Union to basically scare the British and show that they had no power over Hitler. I dont think Hitler really even wanted to become allies with the Soviet Union, he just wanted to use them to scare off the British. By having the Soviet Union by their side, it was much easier to suceed in invading Poland. Both the Germans and the Soviet Union were not going to keep their alliance for long because they only wanted to use each other to gain more territory.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. (G BLOCK)

    My opinion after reading the "The Hitler-Stalin pact" was that although Hitler was extremely corrupted, he was also a very intelligent man. He tried to do what would benefit him. I don't think Hitler cares about Britain, Russia or Chamberlain. He only cared about himself. Clearly, he did whatever he had to do in order for him to have the most power. I do like that he was the type of person to go after what he wanted. He might have done sometimes sneaky and always horrible things but he left his name very well-known. He was an important part of history.

  45. The Hitler-Stalin pact was a very shocking turn of events. I believe Hitler only did this because Russia would be come a huge threat to him if not on his side. The Soviet Union was a huge force at the time and Russia is still huge today. The British alone could not go up against the army Hitler had created. So by signning this pact the Bristish were not able to do as much as planned. the Germens gained the most out of this pact, and by doing this they were able to take over poland. But the Russians would not agree with the pact for long.

  46. In my opinion, the Hitler-Stalin pact was an important agreement to certain parts of the world. Hitler wanted power and to gain control over the world. He wanted to take over Poland successfully. In order to accomplish his goals, he needed to make sure that he wouldn't have any enemies in his way. On that basis, he made that clear by signing a non aggression pact with the Soviet Union. That worked to his advantage because in the event of Britain coming to aid Poland after Hitler's invasion, he would have an ally to help him out if things got heavy. He did that because he knew that Britain would never come to him alone. The alliance didn't last too long, as both sides were only using the pact to their advantages and benefiting from it.

    - Sebastian Santander F Block

  47. The whole goal from Hitler's view in the Hitler-Stalin pact was to benefit himself. Hitler played his game well in the sense of getting close to a big threat such as the Soviet Union. After this pact,Hitler wanted to remove any enemy lines that would be in his way to conquer Poland. He acted quickly with insecurity and soon invaded Poland. After that event everything fell into place for Hitler,because now he had Britain coming to aid Poland. Hitler was a very smart,strategic,and selfish man that did anything to be in control and have high power. Once he saw that he had an obstacle that interfered with his plan he removed it or used it to his advantage. Obviously the alliance did not last long,ironic isn't it.

    -Samantha Perez F Block

  48. After I have read “The Hitler-Stalin Pact” I believe that Hitler want to sign a non-aggression agreement that would later out help him. He believed that signing this agreement would help him expand Germany and throw off other countries. Also, when he first invaded and captured Sudetenland, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain didn’t feel harmed until Poland became threatened. By Hitler’s foreign minister flying to Moscow to sign the non-aggression pact he was sure that he didn’t have to worry about wars with any other countries. In conclusion, this agreement only gave Hitler an advantage and helped him out in the future.
