Sunday, October 30, 2011

TODAY IN HISTORY # 6 - Martin Luther post 95 Theses

Day 1 Classes - Block A, C, D

Please click link below and read article:

After reading the article, please responded by writing a 100 word essay on the following questions. Who is Martin Luther? What is the 95 Theses? Why did he write the 95 Theses? What role did he play in the Protestant Reformation?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. On October 1517 Martin Luther, a priest and scholar, approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nailed a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. He emphasized on the corruption of the Catholic Church and was basically completely against it and naming “indulgences”. From what I understand I think he’s basically saying that people can pay for the forgiveness of their sins through the catholic church. Honestly I really had never heard of this but apparently its something of great importance.

  3. Martin Luther was a priest and scholar who one day decided to write 95 theses which were revolutionary opinions which was later called the Protestant Reformation. The reason why Martin Luther decided to write the 95 theses was because he was getting tired of the Roman Catholic getting paid or something called indulgences for the forgiveness of sins. From reading I understand that Martin Luther role in the protestant reformation was very important. Why? Because without him there wouldn’t be something called a Protestant Reformation, once his frustration took place he quickly translated the 95 these into German and sent it widely which convinced many people all over the world to be part of the Protestant reformation which was later first appeared in 1529 by King Charles the V .

  4. In 1517, Martin Luther the priest and scholar nailed a piece of paper on the door of the Castle Church in Germany containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther decided to write the 95 theses because he was tired of the corruption of the Roman Catholic especially with the practice of asking for money for the return of forgiveness of sins. The 95 theses state. Martin Luther had a huge role because he was the person who wrote the 95 theses and if it wasn’t for him speaking up there wouldn’t be a Protestant Reform.

  5. On October 31st 1517. A priest and scolds called Martn Luther who one day decided to write the 95 theses Which were revolutionary opinions of him called called the Protestant Reformation. H opened the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany and nails a piece of paper of his opinions to it. Martin whole reason for it was because he begin getting tired of the Roman Catholic Church for being paid by the citizens in forgiveness of their sins. The governments was so fed up of him because Martin did not want to keep silence in what he believed in. That the government gave the society permission for anyone to kill Martin without any consequence. A number of princes and other supporters of Martin issued a protest, declaring that their allegiance of God trumped their allegiance to the emperor. His 95 theses was appeared in 1529 by King Charles the V. Due to that his work was succeeded.

  6. Martin Luther was a German Priest, professor of technology and iconic figure of the Protestant reformation. In the 95 theses was written by Matin Luther in 1517 condemned corruption for the Catholics, the theses also reject remissions temporal punishments for sins that have been forgiven , which also meant that you did not have to repent for your own sins. When being published it spread widely and quickly, than it was so successful Luther decided to write a German translation of the bible. Martin Luther was one of the Protestants in the reformation, and they mainly objected rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.

  7. Martin Luther was a Christian theologian and Augustinian monk whose teachings inspired the Protestant Reformation and deeply influenced the doctrines of Protestant and other Christian traditions. On the 31st of October of 1517, Luther changed the course of human history when he nailed his 95 Theses to a church’s door, accusing the Roman Catholic Church of having some church officials of buying their way into heaven. His famous 95 Theses expressed his growing concern of church corruption, which called for a full reform of the Christian Church. In his theses, he propounded two central beliefs; that the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach salvation only by their faith and not by their deeds, this was to spark the Protestant Reformation. His role in the Protestant Reformation began after posting his theses, the Catholic Church became divided and Protestantism soon emerged and was shaped by Luther’s ideas. Basically, Luther was a Protestant revolutionary whose belief in his faith would overthrow the Catholic Church and reshape Medieval Europe.

  8. Martin Luther, a priest and scholar in 1500s, is the reason for Protestant Reform when he nailed a piece of paper to the door of a church in Germany. It contained the 95 Thesis. In the Theses, he criticized and condemned the corruption in the church, including when the church ordered "indulgences" for the forgiveness of sins. He knew it was corrupt to pay for something that should be given to all. A copy of his opinions made its way to Rome and they tried to silence him but he refused. He kept protesting openly and the church declared him an outlaw. But he never backed down and became a revolutionary part in the history of the church.

    Cristina Jatib
    D Block

  9. On October 1517 Martin Luther, a priest and scholar, approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, who nailed a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. He emphasized on the corruption of the Catholic Church and was basically completely against it and naming “indulgences” which means that people have to pay to send their loved one to heaven or also believed that they would have a better life if you paid the church. From how I see it the church was wrong for taking advantage of people just because the church way going bankrupt.

  10. Martin Luther, famous icon in the protestant reform and well known theologian and monk made history on October 31, 1517. He proposed 95 theses about the Roman Catholic Church. In these 95 opinions, it states the great concern of corruption, his belief that priests were buying their way out of purgatory, that you did not need to perform penance to be forgiven for your sins, etc. This reform irritated the government, that they offered any one who would kill Martin Luther, would not be guilty of any crime. Because of his strong belief, he started the movement, and without his act there would be no protestant reform and who knows what would have happened in our history.

  11. Martin Luther was a priest and scholar whose teachings greatly inspired the Protestant Reformation and deeply influenced the doctrines of Protestants as well as Christian traditions. October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nails a piece of paper to the door of the Castle Church in Germany containing the 95 theses. These 95 theses were revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. Especially his asking payment called "indulgences", for the forgiveness of sins. Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses because he didn’t agree with the practices of the Catholic Church. In the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther played a huge role as far as refusing to keep silent for his beliefs when others disapproved of it. After he died in 1546, his beliefs for the Protestant Reformation caused the Western civilization to occur three centuries later.

  12. Martin Luther was a German priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. The 95 theses contained the 95 revolutionary options that would soon begin the Protestant Reformation. He wrote the 95 theses because he wanted to stop the practice of asking for the forgiveness of sins. It was translated from Latin to German and widely distributed. People tried to convince his to change his beliefs but he refused to because this was something he felt very strongly about. He played a major role in the Protestant Reformation because by the time of his death, his beliefs had formed basis for the Protestant Reformation.

  13. Martin Luther was a scholar and a priest that made a huge impact in the year 1517. Luther proposed the 95 theses that would later be known as the Protestant Reformation. The theses were the excessive corruption of the Roman Catholic Church had on its citizens because of indulgences. Indulgences was money given the Church to ensure a better life and a ticket if i might say to heaven for their passed love ones. The reason he wrote the 95 theses was because church members went to Rome because Johann Tetzel was fundraising a campaign for the rebuilding of St. Peters Basilica. Church members knowing that Prince Frederick III had banned the sale of indulgences, still bought them. When they returned they showed the pardons they had bought to Luther claiming that they will will no longer repent for their sins. Luther frustrated by this event led to the creation of the theses. Martin played a big role in the Protestant Reformation because he was the founder of the theses that led him to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Another thing was that he spread the Protestant movement in many countries such as Germany, Italy, etc.. Without, Luther there would be no such belief or religion for Protestants in this world we live in today.

  14. Martin Luther was a priest and scholar who in 1517 did a very important thing. He went to the Castle Church is Germany and posted the 95 Theses. The 95 Theses were revolutionary opinions that begun the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses because he was so frustrated about the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church, and most especially, indulgences. In the protestant reformation Martin Luther became opponents of the Protestants because he believed the church should be reformed. By the time he died his revolutionary beliefs had formed the basis for the Protestant Reformation.

  15. Martin Luther was a German priest and professor of theology. He is the main icon who started the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disagreed that people should pay money in order to take away their sins or for forgiveness of their sins. Luther refused to keep silent and his frustration led him to write the 95 theses. Luther was not the only person who felt this way because he had many other people supporting him. His beliefs formed the basis for the Protestant Reformation in 1547.The Protestant Reformation revolutionized western civilization. Luther spent 10 years trying to translate the Bible to German.
    -Michi Ablk :)

  16. Martin Luther was a priest and a scholar who started the Protestant Reformation. When he was trying to do things with his practice, he decided to write the 95 Theses. The 95 Theses was when Martin Luther believed that practices the church’s were teaching was wrong and did not seem right to him and that 95 of them was wrong. People like Pope Leo X and Charles V refused to have anything to do with his writings but, when Luther died, his beliefs had formed the basis of the Protestant Reformation.

    Cierra A-Block

  17. Martin Luther the priest and scholar nailed a piece of paper on the door of the Castle Church in Germany. He is the main icon who started the Protestant Reformation.Martin Luther decided to write the 95 theses because he was tired of the corruption of the Roman Catholic especially with the practice of asking for money for the return of forgiveness of sins.

  18. Martin Luther was a priest and scholar who nailed a piece of paper to the door of a church in Germany. That contained the 95 Thesis. In the Theses, he criticized and condemned the corruption in the roman catholic church and the indulgences. In the protestant reformation Martin Luther became an opponent to the Protestants because he believed the church should be reformed. By the time he died his revolutionary beliefs had formed the basis for the Protestant Reformation.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. On October 31st 1517, a priest and scholar by the name of Martin  Luther, who one day decided to write the 95 theses which were  revolutionary opinions of him called the Protestant Reformation. He opened the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany and nailed a piece of paper of his opinions to it. It was translated from Latin to German and widely distributed. People tried to convince him to change his beliefs but he refused to because this was something he felt very strongly about. He played a major role in the Protestant Reformation. 

  21. Martin Luther was a German priest, professor of theology and an important figure in the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money. The 95 Theses was primary starter of the Protestant Reformation. On 31 October 1517, Luther wrote to Albert of Mainz, protesting against the sale of indulgences. Hans Hillerbrand wrote that Luther had then no intention of confronting the church, but saw his disputation as a scholarly objection to church practices. Luther played a major role in the Protestant Reformation. His 95 theses was the starter of the Reformation.

    Anthony Walker, Jr.
    C Block

  22. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany, in 1483. He strongly disagreed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be bought with money. He was a German priest and a professor of theology. He confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. He refused to be silent. The 95 Theses challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church, the authority of the pope, and the indulgences. He led the reformation that was based on the 95 Theses. He stood against all the things he didn't agree with. He was NOT afraid.

  23. Martin Luther was a German priest and scholar. In 1517 he approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, then nailed a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions.Martin Luther used these Thesis to display his unhappiness with the Church's sale of indulgences, and this eventually gave birth to Protestantism. Martin Luther's role was to force the church to let humanism be allowed.He wanted people to be able to be humanist and not have to follow the church. He also created the 95 theses and stapled it to the church door because he wanted to correct what he saw as the church's mistakes.

  24. Martin Luther was a German priest and he played a huge role in the Protestant Reformation. In 1517 he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church. It got him kicked out of the Church and this began the Protestant Reformation. In the 95 Theses, Luther disapproved the excesses and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. He wrote the 95 Theses to spread the word about how he felt, and to open everyone else’s eyes. He was really outraged by the fact that Churchgoers had to pay a fee for the forgiveness of their sins. Luther’s revolutionary beliefs set a basis of the Protestant Reformation; without his acts, the Protestant Reformation might’ve never started.

  25. German priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money. He confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. The Ninety-Five Theses, was written by Martin Luther in 1517 and is widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. The disputation protests against clerical abuses, especially the sale of indulgences. Luther wrote to Albert of Mainz, protesting against the sale of indulgences. He enclosed in his letter a copy of his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences," which came to be known as The Ninety-Five Theses. Hans Hillerbrand writes that Luther had then no intention of confronting the church, but saw his disputation as a scholarly objection to church practices, and the tone of the writing is accordingly "searching, rather than doctrinaire

  26. Martin Luther was a German priest and scholar. In 1517 he approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, then nailed a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions.Martin Luther used these Thesis to display his unhappiness with the Church's sale of indulgences, and this eventually gave birth to Protestantism. Martin Luther's role was to force the church to let humanism be allowed.He wanted people to be able to be humanist and not have to follow the church. He also created the 95 theses and stapled it to the church door because he wanted to correct what he saw as the church's mistakes. People like Pope Leo X and Charles V refused to have anything to do with his writings but, when Luther died, his beliefs had formed the basis of the Protestant Reformation.

    Andrew Bennett C block

  27. Martin Luther was a German priest and theologian. After confronting Johan Tetzel about his morally wrong indulgences, he nailed a paper called the 95 thesis. This paper contained 95 reasons why paying money for sins to be forgiven by God is wrong. Martin Luther played a major role in in the Potestant reformation because without him the reformation would have never happened.

  28. Perhaps the greatest religious leader the world has ever seen, Martin Luther born on November 10, 1483 at Eisleben, is seen as the spark to the Protestant Reformation. Some viewed him as a heretic while others saw him as an advocate for religious freedom and truth. Luther was a monk in the Holy Roman Empire. His views on Christianity appealed to many people, but they were a threat to the Roman Catholic Church, thus causing much commotion throughout the countryside. In the present, most Christians would credit Luther as the most influential person to help shape the state of Protestant Christian religion. The Lutheran church branch is named after him. His ideas helped to revolutionized modern society. His simple act of speaking out against the church changed millions of people’s opinions about life.
    Rachel Bernal D- Block

  29. Martin Luther was a German priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. In 1517 he approached the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany and nailed a piece of paper containing 95 revolutionary options that would start the Protestant Reformation. In his theses, Luther condemned the excesses and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1521 Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther from the Catholic Church. That same year, Luther refused to take back his writings before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Germany, who issued the famous Edict of Worms saying that Luther was an outlaw and a heretic and giving permission for anyone to kill him without consequence.
    -Nathalia Guzman
    -C block

  30. Martin Luther was a German priest that thought that all the indulgences that the Church was making people pay to "be forgiven of their sin" was wrong so he protested against that.The 95 Theses was basically a summary, a long one at that, of every single one of Luther's protests against the ways and corruption of the Catholic Church of that time. The reason he wrote it was to try and make people understand of the way that the Catholic Church was really being to them so that they wouldn't need to waste their time AND money. He was practically the final push aside from King Henry to make people actually follow the way of the protestant revolution.


  31. Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Germany in 1483. He was a monk and a scholar. He wrote the “95 Theses”. The “95 Theses” was a paper that had 95 opinions about the weaknesses of the Catholic Church. He didn’t believe in “indulgences”- which was giving money and receiving forgiveness in return. Martin Luther wrote the “95 Theses” to prove a point about the Catholic Church. I think he was trying to show everyone that the Catholic Church is not as perfect as it thought it was and that it had many flaws. Martin Luther is the reason why the Protestant Reformation began. He changed the minds of many people and allowed people, who believed the Catholic Church was wrong, to have a religion they can fully believe in.

  32. Martin Luther was a German priest, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. He wrote the 95 Theses which is a piece of paper with 95 revolutionary opinions that condemned the excesses and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the papal practice of asking payment for the forgiveness of sins. The 95 Theses was translated from Latin into German and distributed widely. When word got to Rome Pope Leo X formally excommunicated Luther from the Catholic Church. Luter still did not stop writting he soon after started working on a German translation of the Bible. The Protestant Reformation began when a number of princes and other supporters of Luther issued a protest, declaring that their allegiance to God trumped their allegiance to the emperor. Martin Luter started the Protestant Reformation when he published the 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

  33. Martin Luther was a German monk born in 1483. The 95 theses is a document with 95 opinions that pretty much was condemning the Catholic Church. I believe he wrote it to show what was wrong with the Church at his time and to bring supporters into his new Protestant reform. The role he played in the Protestant reform was a HUGE one. He was practically the one who started the whole reform itself. This move is still visible in today's society. The way it is visible is by all the different christian religions out there.

  34. Martin Luther was a priest in the 1500's who was upset with the Catholic Church. He thought it was corrupt and listed 95 opinions of why the church was corrupt, and nailed it to a door of a german church. He especially didn't like indulgences which was that you could pay the church to be forgiven of your sins. I think he played a huge roll in helping the church to stop being corrupt.

  35. Martin Luther was a priest and scholar from Germany. He was a strong religious man that probably took a lot of pride in what he believed in. He felt that what the church was doing was wrong and very corrupt for a religious manner. The Roman Catholic Church at the time, were asking for payment, for the forgiveness of sins. This highly frustrated Martin Luther and motivated him to write his “95 theses”. His 95 Theses pretty much said what he didn’t like about The Roman Catholic Church and the things they were doing inside of their religion. Martin also played a big role in the Protestant Reformation, people also started to see that what the Church was doing was wrong and they started to separate from the Church. And the people that separated eventually went toe Western civilization for a more free religion.
    JaredCharles D block

  36. Martin Luther was a priest and a scholar in Germany in 1547. He wrote 95 theses complaining about the church and it's practice to have fundraiser to rebuild it's church. They collect money by telling the people that their sins would be forgiven. Luther was who began the Protestant reformation. he believed the catholic church was corrupt . edict of Worms was part of the Protestant movement. Luther was excommunicated from church. He was asked to translate bible to German. This took him 10 year s to complete.

  37. Martin Luther was a German priest and scholar. He is known today for creating the Protestant Reformation. On October 31, 1517 Luther approached the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany and nailed a paper with the 95 Theses. The 95 Theses is his opinions on what is wrong with the Roman Catholic Church. One of the practices that he did not believe in was the indulgences which was paying for your sins to be forgiven. In my opinion indulgences are wrong because people do what is right to be holy and praise God, not so they can do anything they want and just give someone money for your sins to be forgiven. The Protestant Reformation was the people that wanted to reform the church and protest against it.
