Sunday, October 2, 2011


Day 1 Classes - Block A, C, D

Please click on link below and read article

Please read the article above and answer the following questions by writing a 100 word essay on the required reading. Who was Benedict Arnold? Why was his accomplice hanged? Do believe there are still spys in the government? If the circumstances were right, would you be a spy? Why or Why not?



  1. Benedict Arnold was originally a Revolutionary American general but later after a bunch of frustrations switched sides and became a Brigadier General of the British military. His accomplice was hanged because he was transporting information about Arnold's plot to try and surrender West Point to the British. He was also believed to be a spy. I believe there aren't spies in the government now because of how alert we are in national defense.I would not be a spy because it is a very risky job and even if the circumstances are right one mistake could be your end.

    Adrian Ulloa C-Block

  2. Benedict Arnold was a Revolutionary American.He trade sides and became a Brigadier General of the British military.He was transporting information about the west point. He was also known as being a spy.Being a spy is a hard job i think me being a spy will get me killed.

    -BLOCK A

  3. Benedict Arnold is a revolutionary american general who is known mainly for turning his back on the american people. He had an accomplice, Andre, who threatened to transport information about Benedict Arnold's to turn on America, so Arnold had him hanged. In my opinion I believe there must still be spies around today. Not necessarily in the government but there must be people from countries that want to do us harm watching us from the inside. And to be a spy would be AWESOME (I say that because I wanted to be a spy when I was younger) but I know there's a lot of stress, paranoia, and life threatening experiences that happen to them all the time.

    Cristina Jatib D block

  4. Benedict Arnold was born on January 14, 1741 in Norwich, Connecticut. He was a general during the American Revolutionary War. He began the war in the Continental Army but later defected to the British Army. While a general on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and plotted to surrender it to the British forces. After the plot was exposed in September 1780, he was commissioned into the British Army as a brigadier general. He and British Major John Andre conspired to help the British seize control of West Point, an American fort on the Hudson River, but Andre was caught and the plan was revealed. Arnold escaped to the British side and Andre was hanged as a spy. I believe that the government still contains spy’s, in fact I’m certain that they do. But In my opinion I wouldn’t be able to be a spy because I feel like there’s to many risk involved with be a part of the secret services. You can be killed if you're compromised, it's very hard to maintain a family, you put yourself in a dangerous position with the risk of death, among other things. There's also the fact that you're property of the government.

    Anabel Balbi
    C Block

  5. Benedict Arnold, best known as America’s “traitor”, was an early hero of the Revolutionary War who later became one of the most infamous traitor’s of the U.S. Throughout all these battles Arnold felt he never received the recognition he deserved. In 1779 he entered into secret negotiations with the British, agreeing to turn over the U.S. post at West Point in return for money and a command in the British army. Arnold was caught but managed to escape British lines. As for John Andre, his apparent accomplice, he was caught by Patriots John Paulding,David Williams and Isaac Van Wart on September 23 after finding suspiscious papers in his boot. Andre was hung. I don’t think I would ever be able to do such a low thing especially not if I knew I could get hung for it.

  6. Benedict Arnold was a U.S. general and commander of West Point. British Major John Andre, the accomplice, was taken by the U.S. military for being a spy. Arnold and Andre had a secret meeting in which Arnold sold the Hudson River to the British. Arnold had escaped so was not able to be punished but Andre got caught and hung. I do believe that there are still spies in the government but they should be prepared because it is not an easy job. If I had a chance I still would not be a spy even if I was bribed. Many people hate spies and if you get caught for being one than there will be serious punishments and consequences still today that I would not risk for.

    D Block

  7. BENEDICT ARNOLD WAS US GENERAL, HE WAS BORN JAN.14,1941. HE WAS KNOWN AS A US TRAITOR. His accomplice, Andre, was hanged because he was transporting information about Arnold's plot to try and surrender West Point to the British he was taken by the U.S. military for being a spy. I believe that there still are spies in the US.I mean u can never be too sure of anything now a days. Spies come in all forms to me like for example an undercover cop or a cop who sits at the corner watching your every move. Me personally i couldnt be a spy because i dont like getting people into trouble or getting someone's personal life

  8. Benedict Arnold was a famous American hero in the Revolutionary War as well as a famous traitor when he switched sides from the Americans and decided to fight with the British. Arnold received a commission as a brigadier general for the British Army and led raids for British forces. He also tried to trick the Americans by sending an accomplice named John Andre to spy in order for them to surrender the Hudson River fort to the British. Was he successful in this plot? No, because his accomplice was caught with papers in his boot from Arnold revealing the plot. Andre was hanged because of his spying even though he was trying to be humble by asking General George Washington to be executed by firing squad. I believe its possible that spies are in our government because people are very well at being undercover and portraying themselves as something they’re not. However, I would not become a spy because I don’t like people who are associated with another group of people but spy on another group in order to gain information that’s just low.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Benedict Arnold was a General during the American Revolutionary War. He switched sides during the war going from the Continental Army to the British Army. He had plotted to surrender the American fort to the British forces; however, his plan was exposed after his accomplice left the plans in his boot. His accomplice was Major John Andre. He was captured and sentenced to death by U.S. forces. Benedict Arnold, after hearing about Andre’s capture, fled to the British side. I don’t think there are still spies in the government. However, if the circumstances were right, I would be a spy because I believe in doing things the right way. I would make sure that the government was ran properly and smoothly.

    Anthony Walker, Jr.
    C Block

  11. Benedict Arnold is the definition of the word 'traitor'. He was born January 14, 1741, in Norwich, Connecticut. He is known as a traitor because he fought for the British during the American Revolution. His accomplice John Andre was hanged because they found a letter in his boot from Benedict Arnold telling him to surrender at the Hudson River fort. Nowadays I still think there are spies in the government, they are just alot smarter and harder to find. I would never become a spy because it is way to risky.

    David Delgado
    C Block

  12. Benedict Arnold was a U.S general during the Revolutionary War who offered to surrender the Hudson River Fort to the British for money. His accomplice was hanged because of Benedict Arnold, at that moment Arnold became a traitor. I believe that there are definitely spies in the government for cases such as this one. If things were right, I think I would be a spy because of the fact that I find it very interesting and would always want to protect my country and the people in it. I'd be a spy or anything the government needed to keep our country going smoothly.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Benedict Arnold was a General during the American Revolutionary War. He switched sides during the war going from the Continental Army to the British Army. More likely known as a traitor. He was born in January 14,1741 in Norwich Connecticut. Arnold was a merchant operating ships on the Atlantic Ocean when the war broke out in 1775. His plan did not succeed because his accomplice find his plot in his boot hidden. Though he was trying to find George Washington humbling he was still hanged and put to death. Yes i do believe that spies are around the country because there are many secrets services agents for the president here in the United States. No i wouldn't be a spy because that its a risky business. Also would put my friends and family members in great danger with my enemies.


  15. Benedict Arnold is greatly known as Americas greatest traitor. He was a General during the American Revolutionary War. While the war was occuring, he began to fight for the British Army opposed to the Continental Army. His accomplice, John Andre, was hunged because they found a letter in his boot from Benedict Arnold saying to surrender at the Hudson River fort. In my opinion, I think that there are spies in the U.S. Government.In many cases spys are great because they help protect our country from attacks and invasions, but I also think that being a spy is sneaky and against good morals.

  16. Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War who obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York while he served on the American side. He is also a well-known traitor, he went from the American side to the British during the war. He offered to surrender the strategic Hudson River fort to the British for a bribe of 20,000 pounds. His accomplice, Andre, was hanged because they found incriminating papers in his boot the papers revealed that Andre was returning from a secret meeting with Arnold discussing the plan with the British. Of course there are spy's in the government. The only way i would become a spy is if it was for a good reason like to stop someone from doing something bad, but if it is to double-cross someone in the government because someone else is paying me a lot of money no. The reason why is because that same person who is paying me money to do that may double-cross me to get me to shut up or kill me after I do the job so they don't have to pay me.

  17. Benedict Arnold V was a general during the American Revolutionary War. He began the war in the Continental Army but later defected to the British Army. While a general on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and plotted to surrender it to the British forces. In July 1780, he sought and obtained command of West Point in order to surrender it to the British. Arnold's scheme was exposed when American forces captured British Major John André carrying papers that revealed the plot. Upon learning of André's capture, Arnold fled down the Hudson River to the British sloop-of-war Vulture, narrowly avoiding capture by the forces of George Washington, who had been alerted to the plot. I don’t think that something like this because information is examined more thoroughly now and there is less room for mistakes and miscommunication.

  18. Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War that switched to the Brigadier General of the British military. His accomplice Andre was captured by Patriots due to evidence they found in his boot. The papers revealed that Andre was returning from a secret meeting with U.S. General Benedict Arnold who had offered to surrender the strategies of the Hudson River for $20,000. Even though Washington was going to spare his life due to him asking to be executed by firing squad and he had a lesser part in the crime than Benedict. He didn’t receive an answer by October 2, Washington went on with the hanging. It may be spies still in the government I wouldn’t doubt it for a minute. If the circumstances were right I would not be a spy I would be putting myself and my loved ones in danger.
    Tia McDonald. Block D.

  19. Benedict Arnold was the commander of west point, New York and was also a spy during the American Revolutionary War. From reading this article about Arnold it was obvious that he had an accomplice which his name was Major John Andre. The reason for Andre sentence to be hanged was because after being captured by two patriots who found incriminating papers in his boots. The papers reveal that Andre had a secret meeting with U.S. commander Benedict Arnold. In my opinion I think there are still spies and this society we live in now is more difficult to figure this out cause there’s so much that go on that so much people can keep control of. I don’t think I would be Spy aleast now because I think for the circumstances to be right it would be very hard for this society to make them right for anyone to be a spy.

  20. Benedict Arnold began the war in the Continental Army. He was born on January 14, 1741. He died on June 14, 1801. He basically tried to betray the Americans by plotting to surrender the fort at West Point, New York to the British forces.
    In Andre's boot, the Patriots, found alleged papers in the accomplice's boot. The papers affirmed that Andre was returning from a secret meeting with U.S. General Benedict Arnold. Arnold had offered to surrender the Hudson River fort to the British for £20,000. This is the reason for his hanging.
    There might still be spies in government. With everything happening as it is now there ought to be spies. I would not be a spy... at all. It is risky, and it's not me. It takes courage, accuracy, and people that aren't paranoid. It's almost like laying your life down because of what you saw.

    -Ms. Ta'Lesha Moore, D block

  21. Famous American traitor, Benedict Arnold, originally was the general for New York during the American Revolution. For a while, he was between the British and Americans before fully choosing a side. It wasn't until Andre his partner was captured and evidence was found in his boot, that Benedict Arnold had other plans than he was announcing. In the evidence, it stated that Arnold had agreed to surrender the plans the americans put together for money. This whole scandal lead to the conclusion of spies working in the government. My opinion is that there is still spies out there, especially in the government. I believe this is because there's so much information that is not let out, that it causes people to go beyond the acceptable boundaries to seek that information. I would not be a spy myself because it's a dangerous and very hard job and I would not like to be put in such situations that I wouldn't know the outcome of.

    C Block
    Amanda Murguido

  22. Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War who fought for the American Continental Army, but switched he later switched sides to the British Empire and he was labeled a “traitor.” When he was still general on the American side, he gained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and he attempted to surrender it to the British, but it was unsuccessful. He then served with the British forces as a Loyalist. Benedict’s accomplice was hanged because Patriots John Paulding, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart found incriminating papers in his boot. The papers revealed that he had just returned from a meeting with Benedict. I don’t think I could be a spy, because it’s a very risky job and I wouldn’t want to be put in dangerous situation.

  23. Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War. After a bunch of frustrations, he changed sides and became a Brigadier General of the British military. He was known as a traitor. His accomplice, Andre, was hanged because he was transporting information about Arnold's plot to try and surrender West Point to the British. He was taken by the U.S. military for being a spy.

    Elizabeth Quero
    C block

  24. Benedict Arnold was a U.S. General. At age 15 he joined the army in Connecticut. Benedict Arnold was a General during the Revolutionary War. Arnold became a traitor when he switched from the Continental Army to the British Army. His accomplice was John Andre. John Andre was hung after being found with a letter in his boot from Arnold telling him to surrender at the Hudson River Fort. I think that now a days there are spies in the world. Without spies we would not be able to know if there will be surprise attack but thanks to spies we know what will happen and what steps to approach in order to protect the safety of American citizens.
    Rachel Bernal

  25. Benedict Arnold was a man who infamously changed sides during the Revolutionary War. He was originally an American hero during the beginning of the war and switched sides later on during the war. He made secret negotiations with the British army to trade the U.S. post at West Point for money. When his plan was discovered, he escaped to British lines. Benedict Arnold had an accomplice, British Major John Andre. Andre was hanged because Patriots John Paulding, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart found papers revealing Andre was returning from a meeting with Arnold about the £20,000 bribe. I do believe that there are still spies in the government today, but I feel the spies are used for more security reasons. Being a spy sounds interesting and I would like to try it out but it is a dangerous job.

  26. On October 2nd, 1780, a major spy drama unfolded, changing the course of the American Revolution, British Major John André was to be executed. Major General Benedict Arnold gave his accomplice, André, documents detailing the fortifications and troop strengths at West Point . André headed towards the British lines with important documents tucked in his boots. When local commander Lt.Col.Jameson heard about the situation he immediately reported it to his commanding officer, Benedict Arnold. By the time events were reported to General Washington Arnold had escaped but André was not so fortunate. Because British Command thought Washington would follow the unwritten rule of war that captured generals would not be executed. They knew, however, if they would return Arnold and the British refused to deal and Washington agreed to execute John André. Espionage is one of the oldest professions and i have no doubt that spies are constantly around in trying to get their hands on information or technology. Today's spies focus on their mission to safe guard the security of the country's people. Probably i would not be a spy, one because spies are usually selected not elected to spy for their country and obtain secret information concerning enemies. Your life is in constant danger as well as your family's. For sure this is a dangerous and risky profession.

  27. U.S. General Benedict Arnold was commander of West Point. He had offered to surrender the strategic Hudson River fort to the British for fort to the British for a bribe of £20,000. Benedict Arnold's accomplice Andre was a captured and hung because of incriminating papers that were found in his boot saying that he was a spy for Benedict Arnold. I still believe that there our spys in our government because the government has secrets and there has been a lot of stories where spies have been caught, but I would not like to be a spy because it's a very risky job and getting in trouble can lead to a lot of problems with the government.
    Ashley Vasquez
    D block

  28. Benedict Arnold is a commander of West Point, who had offered to surrender the strategic Hudson River fort to the British for a bribe of u20,000. His accomplice, John Andre, was hung because of saying the plan that Arnold planed to do. I wouldn't want to be a spy cause it’s a lot of work at it task courage to be a spy. I am too weak for that and spy’s are usually very flexible and agile.
    Natalie Vizarraga

  29. Benedict Arnold was a general during the American Revolutionary War. He switched from the Continental Army to the British Army in 1779 which made him known as a traitor in America. After joining the growing army outside Boston, he was well-known for his acts of cunning and bravery. His events included the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, the Battle of Ridgefield, Connecticut after which he was promoted to general. In July 1780, while general on the American side he obtained command of West Point so he could surrender it to the British. On September 1780, Arnold’s plan was exposed when American forces captured John Andre carrying papers that revealed their plan.

    Nathalia Guzman
    C block

  30. General Benedict is a West Point commander. He.wanted to surredered the Hudson River fort for a bribe of 20,000£ in Britian. His assistant in the plan was John Andre. Andre was hung because he was a rat or explain it better he told the plan. In my opinion I wouldn't want to be a spy because It would be a hard job to do. Also Im not a sneaky person I would get caught. -Sabina Colas:-)!

  31. André was born on May 2, 1750 in London to wealthy  parents,  André, a merchant .  He was a leader during the r. war. & At age 20, he entered the British Army and joined his regiment, the 23rd Foot, in Canada in 1774 as a lieutenant. In 1779 André became general of the British Army in America with the rank of Major. In April that year he took charge of British secret intelligence. By the next year ..1780's  he had begun to plot with American Benedict  Arnold, who commanded West Point, had agreed to surrender it to the British for 20,000 ($1.1M in 2008 dollars) & a move that would have enabled the British to cut New England off from the rest of the rebellious colonies. SORRY !! I'm late on answering this blog.

  32. Benedict Arnold was an american general in the american revolution. He then turned his back on america and joined britain. He is best know for being a traitor to america. I believe there are still spies all over the world from diffrent counties in america getting information about us. They can be anyone and they are probably all around us. I also believe that the US has spies in diffrent counties getting information. I think I would like being a spy because it is intresting and you will never be bored. I also know that it is very difficult and stressful.

  33. Seeing as he has his own little reference even nowadays to his name, Benedict Arnold was a traitor to the American Revolution, simply put, he accepted a bribe in which he had to surrender. His Accomplice was hanged because he was the one who bribed him to do so, sadly at least to him he wasn't shot because they just couldn't do it i guess, but bribing your general to surrender won't really let you get your way of death in the end. Yeah, if 007 movies have taught me anything is that spies do exist, though not exactly like James Bonds, they either help you or screw you over, I personally wouldn't be a spy though because of the risk of danger it has of putting your loved ones in danger if let's say, they find out your identity, of course that's just my opinion.

  34. Benedict Arnold was a traitor of the American Revolution. he had an accomplice was hanged because he tried to bribe Arnold to be a traitor also but a general has to have a string mind. Yes i do believe that there are spies in the American government because i see all these movies like Salt (which is a great movie just saying) there were two spies so i think there are. People can look as clean as they want you to see them and then Bam a spy. Who knew?
